Breathing Therapy
Through this therapeutical breathing therapy the diaphragm and ist connected visceral regions are stimulated. It reduces the tension in muplitple layers of muscles and tissues and activates the respiratory verbundenen viszeralen Regionen stimuliert. secretion. This method helps to strengthen the physical awareness of the body, benefits the general wellbeeing and helps to learn and control conscious breathing. The body remains in a deep relaxation after this treatment.

Back and Neck Massage
This treatment sooth tensions in your upper body, break down and improve your flexibility.
It helps to relieve head aches by stimulating nerves and the blood circulation in the head and scalp.

Sport Massage
The sport massage is an effective technique to release tension and restore balance in your musculosceletal system. It is a beneficial therapy to include into your sport regime for preparation or recovery and to prevent injuries. However you dont have to be an athlete for this treatment. It also is beneficial for those who work out casually as well. This therapy combines a variety of classic massage strokes with deep tissue techniques to treat and manipulate soft tissue, including muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Pregnancy Massage
The classic massage originates from the famous swedish massage.
It combines stroking, kneading, pressure and flowing movements over your whole body.
The aim is to leave you feeling completely relaxed.
This treatment will improve your circulation and flexibility whilest easing any tension your body might feel.

Headache and Migraine Therapye
Headaches in the upper neck area as well as muscular migraines are often caused by poor or one-sided posture, stress and the associated strain on the muscular system in the cervical spine area.
This treatment concentrates on the neck and shoulder muscles. In addition, the muscles of the whole back close to the vertebrae are also treated.

Classic Massage
The classic massage originates from the famous swedish massage.
It combines stroking, kneading, pressure and flowing movements over your whole body.
The aim is to leave you feeling completely relaxed.
This treatment will improve your circulation and flexibility whilest easing any tension your body might feel.

Deep Massage
Deep tissue therapy focuses on releasing muscular shortness and tightness. There are a number of conditions and symptoms that this therapy adresses.
Many patients seek myofascial treatment after loosing flexibility or articular movement due to an injury or operation.
However it is also recommended with longterm pains in any area of the body containing soft tissue.
An other common use would be when treating temporo-mandibular joint disorder, carpal tunnel syndrom, fibromyalgia or migraines.

Scar Therapy
Scar therapy is a method to soften and flatten scars. It serves several important functions: Promoting the re-modeling of collagen tissue by applying pressure and mobilisation to the scars. This treatment helps to reduce itching, provides the scar with moisture and aids a healthy fast healing process. It is recommended to start with this treatment 2 weeks after surgery.